Job Requirement: “typ at least 40 wpm iwth no errors.”

My roommate is looking for work, so I thought I’d do a little research for him.

There’s a company that needs office help, and one of its requirements is that people are able to “typ at least 40 wpm iwth no errors.”

What do you think? Monkey on a typewriter? No word on whether the applicant has to work with animals. 🙂

(Description zoomed in)



Full job posting:



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2 responses to “Job Requirement: “typ at least 40 wpm iwth no errors.”

  1. Htings like that amke my ady!

  2. I actually wrote to the temp agency and told them about the errors. They replied that they didn’t think having 3 errors in a paragraph was “filled with errors” as I stated to them. Well, it appears they can neither type nor read very well, because the job description contains 17 errors.

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